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What is the Client Pipeline?The pipeline allows you to maintain a pool of potential Clients and when appropriate, convert to an active Client. A sequence of processing steps are included to provide a clear picture of where in the onboarding process the Client is.
Is the Client Pipeline mandatory to add a new Client to NDConnect?Not at all. You can simply create new Clients by clicking on the Disability icon on the top right of the NDConnect screen - you can also import new Clients from Excel if you wish
Do you support Apple/iOS and Android devices?Both device operating systems are supported.
Can I create Case Notes?Of course! You can add/edit case notes for your Clients in seconds. The same drop-down lists for Support Types, Support Items are provided - add case notes using your mobile or iPad and review them later using a browser.
How do I get hold of the App?Contact your NDConnect Administrator. The NDConnect Apple/iOS app is downloadable from a private app store The Android version is downloadable from our website as an APK file
Is NDConnect secure?1. NDConnect encrypts all data in transport 2. User passwords are one-way encrypted (2FA is available) 3. Servers are hosted in secure Australian data centres 4. Data and documents are backed up daily to remote storage
Where are my data and documents stored?Data and documents are stored in Australian data centres in Melbourne and Sydney
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